Recommending Materials

Jun 26, 2017 by meganprats Category: Customized Curriculum 0 comments

By: Megan Prats



The customized curriculum at 2learn® touches all aspects of the student’s learning experience, even the materials that the student uses during the lesson and outside of the lesson to complete her homework.

Right now 2learn® does not provide materials. We just cannot allow the customized curriculum to reach every aspect of learning if we provide a standardized set of materials to any group of students who are taking the same lesson. Thus, you recommend materials that suit the student’s wants and needs after you have more information about the student at the end of the first lesson.

If you are going to recommend for the student to purchase materials, it is very important that you recommend materials that are economically sound. For instance, if the student will only use half of a textbook that is $100.00, but there is another textbook that is $50.00 that the student will use entirely, then it is appropriate to recommend the $50.00 textbook. Or, if the student is a visual learner and can purchase a collection of videos or use free videos on YouTube to do her homework with, it is best to assign the student the videos on YouTube. The materials utilized in the lessons factor into the total cost of learning at 2learn® so it is of utmost importance that if the student is going to pay for materials, the student is told to purchase materials that will provide the student with a great bang for her buck.

The customized curriculum needs to appear everywhere in the student’s lessons – even in the materials. The materials that you assign for the lessons should be in accordance with
the student’s wants and needs, and be economically sound.

© Megan Prats 2013

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